I have managed to successfully package my initial release of the Weave server. The download links for the package can be found at the Package the Weave Server wiki. This wiki will be updated with the latest releases as package review process goes forward. You can also find a link to my Bugzilla submission from the wiki as well.
You can try out weave for yourself by installing the RPM and reading the documentation in the '/usr/share/doc/weave' directory.
Issues Encountered
The main bulk of the work was getting the Weave server to function from a manual installation. The first issue I encountered was figuring out the required dependencies as these are not listed in the setup guides. The one that had me stuck was the driver: 'php-mysql'. Fortunately when I mentioned to Chris Tyler the 'missing driver' statement in my error logs he was able to identify the issue.
In addition, when setting the client I found out it is necessary to include a forward slash in the server address field. Otherwise the client attempts to access http://server1.1/index.php as opposed to the valid url: http://server/1.1/index.php.
For the SPEC file build I did not encounter too many issues. As weave consists of PHP files and does not require any compiling it was simply a matter of copying files to their correct directories, one of the most important being the weave.conf apache config which needed to be copied to /etc/httpd/conf.d to avoid user intervention in the main apache conf.
Unfortunately for the MySQL portion of the Weave install some user interaction is required. The bundled weave.sql script must be loaded to create the necessary database, tables, and service accounts. Additional steps are required if the user wishes to change the default password for the weave dbuser.
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