Friday, April 22, 2011

Package the Weave Server - 0.3

Unfortunately the review process for Milestone 0.3 is not complete as I'm still awaiting sponsorship. However some recent changes have occurred, the biggest of which is adapting the package to use the original upstream sources.

Prior to 0.3 the package was using a source tarball made by myself including the sync and reg server components as well as pre-configured conf files. In order to use the two upstream sources sync-server was added as Source0, and reg-server as Source1:
The %prep section of my SPEC file was changed to extract both sources and strip out unnecessary files (Ex: mercurial meta files).

Note: %{sync} and %{reg} are global macros added to the SPEC to simplify the mercurial tag directory paths.
%setup -q -n %{sync}
rm -rf .hg* tests/ README 
%setup -q -T -D -n %{reg} -b 1
rm -rf .hg* *.list tests/ README 
cp -p %{SOURCE2} .
In addition two new sources were added to the SPEC for the pre-configured PHP constant files which are copied to their respective component paths in the %install section:
cp -p %{SOURCE3}   %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/%{sync}/1.1/
cp -p %{SOURCE4}   %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/%{reg}/1.0/
The other significant change to the package is the Apache conf file. It is now commented out by default until the admin decides to begin using Weave. This is done to avoid having Weave active on the web server until the MySQL script has been loaded or if the admin wishes to manually configure the server (Ex: add SSL support). The included README.fedora has been updated to inform the user of this.

I will be continuing to work on getting the package changed and approved past the semester end, to keep up to date with the progress please visit the project wiki and Bugzilla review request.

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